Reaching Apple Support
If you have the Branded App you will need an Apple Developers account. You may need to reach out to their support team directly to resolve issues with Duns numbers, fee waiver, and more. Please follow the steps below to reach Apple Support. ...
The Podcast RSS feed and you.
RSS or Really Simple Syndication (est. circa 2002) aims to simplify your news viewing habits. Think of it as the difference between streaming services and the store. Anytime you need to get something from a store, you have to physically go there ...
What is a URL/Link and how do I share it.
URL is an acronym that stands for "Universal Resource Locator." It's the text that you type into your browser when you want to go to a website. You can copy the link to a website/page in most browsers and other programs by right-clicking or ...
Clearing Browser Cache Folder
Why is clearing your Internet Browser's cache important? Your internet browser saves data from each site that you visit, the data is stored in a temporary folder called cache. When you visit a website, the browser retains data such as the images or ...
Top 5 Reasons Updates Are Not Saving
You've updated a page within your site and when you go "back to site" the changes have not been saved or simply aren't displaying as they should. There are a few things that could cause this and we'll cover them in this article. 1. The use of ...
Troubleshooting Guide
When trying to discover what might be causing your updates not to show or errors to appear, there are a couple of things you want to check as a basic part of maintenance and troubleshooting: Is your browser up-to-date? Is it a cache problem? We ...
Troubleshooting Video/Photo/Document Uploading - Google Chrome
If you are in any of the drawers in your File Cabinet and you see the button Choose File and your file doesn't seem to upload once you choose that file here are some handy steps to correct that. Next to your URL you will now see an i with a circle ...
Updating User Credentials
1. Log in to your account. 2. On the left side bar look for Manage Your Profile under Settings. 3. Click Manage Your Profile 4. Click the accordion tab labeled User Security. 5. Change your password in the password fields provided. 6. Click the save ...
Updating Contact Name
1. Log in to your account. 2. On the left side bar look for Manage Your Profile under Settings. 3. Click Manage Your Profile 4. Click the accordion tab labeled User Security. 5. Change your name how you wish it to be displayed on the website. 6. ...