Notify (2.0)
Notify Basic Dashboard
Notify for Teachers
Notify 360 for Parents
Notify 360 - A Platform for Two-Way Communication
Notify 360 - A Platform for Two-Way Communication What kind of lists are able to receive replies? At this time, only Notify lists can have 360 replies enabled. Dynamic lists and Combined list will not have that setting at this time. Create a list. ...
Notify - Custom Lists
Notify is your mass notification system. You will use this system to send emails, texts, and phone calls to different blocks of subscribers. As a teacher or school administrator, you will have access to the Notify Basic Dashboard, also referred to ...
Attendance Notification Settings
Attendance Notification Settings Locate the Attendance Settings in the Site Administration, under the Messaging tab. Create Groups Add a Group Name Include Site IDs for each campus Select the grades to include Set the call time for Morning, ...
Notify Basic Dashboard ~ Sending a message
Notify is your mass notification system. You will use this system to send emails, texts, and phone calls to different blocks of subscribers. As a teacher or school administrator, you will have access to the Notify Basic Dashboard, also referred to ...
Notify Basic Dashboard - Manage subscribers
Notify is your mass notification system. You will use this system to send emails, texts, and phone calls to different blocks of subscribers. As a teacher or school administrator, you will have access to the Notify Basic Dashboard, also referred to ...
Notify Basic Dashboard - Creating a List
Notify is your mass notification system. You will use this system to send emails, texts, and phone calls to different blocks of subscribers. As a teacher or school administrator, you will have access to the Notify Basic Dashboard, also referred to ...
Welcome to Notify: An overview of our new Messaging Platform
In the new version of E-Notes; Notify, Gabbart Communications is proud to present some significant strides towards improving the user experience of this program. Let's go through the new changes. There are a few new features that we hope will be ...
Notify: Creating a Caller ID
In this article, we will show you how to set up a friendly Caller ID for Notify Voice calls. When voice calls are added to your website you are assigned a phone number. If you want to verify a different caller ID that will display when you call out ...