Looping Video Requirements
The video file requirements are as follows: Video Resolution: 2160x720 Pixels Video Runtime: 20-30 Seconds File Size: 15-25 Megabytes Please upload the video to the file cabinet and then edit the Video Design Stack using the drop-down menu.
The File Cabinet
The File Cabinet is a convenient way to store your Photos, Documents, Audio/Video Files, and various Forms that you may need throughout your school year. Let's look at the File Cabinet, it's Subsections, and how to use them. There are four (4) ...
Upload Videos
Videos can be uploaded to your file cabinet, but first, there are some things to keep in mind: Section 1: Uploading Video files to the Audio/Video Drawer. Log in to the Site Administration and navigate to the File cabinet & Audio/Video drawer. Select ...
Adding a PDF via iFrame
There are times where you will want to add a PDF to your page and do not want to have the PDF off on another, such as our Single Document Page. 1. Upload the document to your Document Drawer. It needs to be a PDF. 2. Right Click the link and click ...
To create a new form you will go to your File Cabinet and select your Form Drawer. In this section you can simply input the title of your Form and select 'Create Form'. You can also click 'Edit Form' next to a form to edit any form you have already ...