Troubleshooting Profile Pictures

Troubleshooting Profile Pictures

If the photo you are adding your profile displays sideways, it is most likely coming from a cellphone.

ALWAYS shoot video and images in landscape rather than portrait mode. We view the world horizontally, not vertically. Landscape videos look best when playing on a laptop, tv, tablet, or phone. NEVER hold your phone vertically when shooting video. 

Any Images that will be used for the Homepage or any slideshows will need to be captured in LANDSCAPE mode.
The same applies for images, portraits, selfies and any other graphics that will be used on the website. 

Take all images in LANDSCAPE Mode
If you have taken images in portrait mode, To fix this save the Photo to your computer. Make sure the photo is rotated corrected. Save the photo as a DIFFERENT NAME. This rebuilds the metadata and resolves the issue. Re-add it to your profile

Technical details: 
This is due to the metadata of the photo being set to landscape when it comes straight from a mobile phone even though it was taken in portrait.

Metadata is how digital cameras and computers communicate and translate how a photo is displayed.

Essentially the computer is reading the photo as being landscape even though it was taken in portrait.

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