Emergency Alerts

Emergency Alerts

What is an Emergency Alert? 
An emergency Alert is a pop-up on the front of your website. This pop-up must be acknowledged before navigating to any other page on your website. 
These are to be used only for Emergency Alerts, such as school closing due to snow.

These are not to be used to notify parents of an upcoming school dance. They are designed to stand out to alert the parent and get their attention in case of an emergency.

Creating an Emergency Alert

1. Navigate to your Messaging tab and Click Emergency Alerts. 

1. Choose a title for your Emergency Alert
  1.       Choose a title that stands out Max character limit 32. (School Closed, COVID-19) 
2. Provide a brief message alerting parents of details of the Emergency or link to an Emergency Procedures page or document. 
  1. The character Limit is 64 Characters. 
  2. The Emergency Alert section gives you the option to link to a page or any URL for additional details. 

2. Set a Start and End date for your alert. 

  1. The Start and End details listed in the Emergency alert section detail when the pop-up will appear and disappear from your site. 

3. Linking your Emergency Alert

  1. You can create a page to link to more information about the Emergency or link to the local weather channel or any other URL. 
  2. Copy and Paste the page URL or use the page selector to choose a page located within your site. 

4. Exclude Campuses 

  1. Emergency Alerts can only be created from the District and shared with the campus sites. The Default Emergency Alert will appear at all campuses unless you choose to exclude a specific campus. 
  2. For extreme situations, the force campus redirect option will force all campus sites to redirect to the District Home page until this alert expires or is canceled. 

5. Send a Text & Email 

Our Emergency Alert system allows you to create an Emergency Alert and send it out to all your platforms including text and email. To send an Emergency Alert as a text & Email you want to first make sure your subscribers a synced to your All-District E-note list. 
  1. Check the box next to send Text and E-mail
  2. This gives you the option to select whether you want the message to be automatically translated to the language indicated in your SIS system. 
  3. Choose an E-note list to send the alert from. 

6. Sending Options 

  1. You have the ability to schedule the Text & Email to go out a specific date and time or send it now.
  Select the box next to Share to Social Media to push the notification to your Facebook and Twitter.
  1. If you don't see the option to push to social media. You will need to log in to your social media account from your Settings --> Social Media Setting. 
 Click Set Alert. 

Your Emergency Alert will appear as a pop-up on your District and all campuses (unless excluded) from the day and time indicated in your start time and will end on the day and time specified. 
Please note if you selected to include a link it will appear in the "For more information, Please Visit: Here" space. 


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