How do I create a Photo Album Page

How do I create a Photo Album Page

A Photo Album Page is a great way to display and share all of your important events and activities. 
Once you are logged into the Site Administration, you'll need to navigate to your pages section, located on the left hand side of the dashboard.

1. You'll want to click on the title page of your section.

2.  You'll want to select 'Add a Page' from the top/middle section and select the Photo Album Page type.

Once you've selected the page type that you want to use, you'll be given a small description of the features that are available for that page type

3.  After accepting the page type features, you'll need to give the new page a title. 

Notice that you can add sidebar layouts here and select the order of this new page, put first or last on the list, or after a specific page. 

Now that the page is created you'll notice the three main options are:
      a. Add Photos
      b. Manage Photos
      c. Optional Content.

 There are a few ways that you can add photos to the page. You can use the Drag and Drop option, select files from your computer, or you can choose to add photos from a Photo Drawer Folder in the virtual file cabinet. 

Only .jpg, .gif, or .png files will be accepted. After clicking on the "Select Files" button below, hold down the CTRL button (CMD on Mac) to select multiple files. The page will refresh after all uploads complete.
For this tutorial, we'll look at Option 2. Adding files from the Photo Drawer.

You'll click each photo that you want to add, the images that you've selected will be highlighted with a dark green border, and you'll want to click Add Selected Photo(s) at the bottom of the page. 
Once the photos are uploaded to the page, you'll want to add a caption to each image in the Manage Photos section.

Adding captions to each image on the website helps to maintain ADA Compliance.
After you have typed in a caption for each photo, you will want to Update them. 
There are also options to delete or copy these photos to a Photo Drawer (This works when you used the drag and drop method to add them to this page)

Let's look at the Optional Content section: 

Here, you'll be able to enter a title or description of this photo album. 

Now we can take a look at the front-facing side of the website, by clicking Back to Site on the top left-hand corner of this page. 

Notice that when you click on an image here, a small pop-up window appears that includes the caption and a larger version of the image. 

Now you've created a Photo Album Page, and added images to it!

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