Campus Life - News

Campus Life - News

To create a news article:

Click on the News option at the bottom of the screen. Then click the (+) Plus sign in the top left corner.


You will now be taken to a screen that will allow you to create your article. Here you can select an image from your phone, or take a new one directly from the app. Give your article a title and then add your content. 


When you've finished creating hit NEXT in the upper right corner.


When you've finished creating your article and clicked Next you will be taken to a screen where you can choose where you would like your article to be published. You can choose to share your article to any combination of Facebook, Twitter and your website News Feeds by simply clicking the slider to the right. 

Make your selections and click PUBLISH in the top right corner.


You can also edit or delete existing articles by selecting the article (tap on it) and clicking the pencil or the trashcan in the top right corner to edit.


Once you've made your changes click SAVE in the upper right corner.

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