Recover Deleted Content

Can this be Recovered?

You have the ability to delete pages, page stacks, and individual chunks of content from the website.
Deleted Pages can be recovered by Gabbart Agents, however, page stacks or the small chunks of content within pages cannot be recovered once deleted.
Deleted Notify lists or profiles, and Online Store products cannot be recovered.

As an Admin, you also have the ability to delete entire User Accounts.

**Any pages that were specifically associated with a user's account, such as teacher pages, profiles or any pages that were created by the user account will be deleted with the User.
***User Accounts cannot be recovered or undone, these deletions are permanent.
File cabinet folders and content added by them will also be deleted with the user account.

Suspend User is an option that allows you to prevent previous staff members from accessing the website without losing any of the content that they may have created or uploaded.

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